1、at risk和in danger的区别为意思不同用法不同侧重点不同一意思不同 1at risk处境危险有风险的在危险中 2in danger在危险中,有的危险 二用法不同 1at riskrisk的基本意思是“冒的危险。
2、at risk和at stake 更接近一点 in trouble 英in #712tr#652bl 美#618n #712tr#652b#601ladv 处于不幸中,在监禁中 出漏子 八方受困例句It#39s too bad of you to dese。
3、risk n 风险危险冒险 vt 冒的危险 词组短语 at risk 处于危险中 risk management 风险管理 risk assessment 风险估计,危险率估计 high risk 高风险 credit risk 信用风险信贷风险信用危机 risk analysis 风险。
4、They lack traing, which probably puts the public at risk这样表达就显得美观多了,主要是有一个定语从句点缀着也可以用现分短语表示,显得句子更加精悍They lack training, probably putting the public at risk很。
5、put 字面意思就是放,sb 即somebody 译为某人,at risk of 即在危险之中,我想我已经解释的很清楚了,然后就是把它翻译的通顺一些我的翻译是把某人置于某种危险之中。
6、at risk at risk to at the risk of run the risk of take risks 用作动词 vrisk it risk的用法例句1 I#39m a blood donor I can#39t risk any contagion我是献血者,我不能冒任何接触传染的危险2。
8、1 The disease is spreading, all the kids under 5 are at risk 2 i came across an old classmate yesterday whom i had not seen for 20 years 3 i find it difficult to quit smoking。
9、I’m not at risk 英文翻译如下 我没有危险 重点词汇释义 at risk 处境危险有风险的在危险中 例句 Jobs are at risk, not just on the factory floor but throughout the business职位不保,不仅对车间工人如此。
10、同学你好,很高兴为您解答Earnings at Risk是在险盈余 在险盈余对盈余的敏感性所作的概率估计预测的盈余数可能会受到某项风险因素和其他变量的变化影响的情况马上就要2015年下半年CMA资格考试了,在这里祝大家好好考试。
11、Father Christmas is at risk of serious illness because of his bulging waistline and needs to cut down on the mince pies, doctors warned A survey of shopping centre Santas in Scotland revealed an average waist size of。
12、at risk 处境危险遭受危险 23 million people in Africa are at risk from starvation非洲有2,300万人正处于饥饿的危险中at one#39s own risk 自负责任,自负后果 They undertook the adventure at their own risk。
13、大小写要注意,VAR是一个计量模型VaR是风险价值风险价值Value at Risk,缩写VaR,资产组合在持有期间内在给定的置信区间内由于市场价格变动所导致的最大预期损失的数值由此衍生出来的“风险价值”方法是风险管理中应用。
15、你好你所给的汉语句子用英语可以表达为下面这样的形式They are lack of training,which may put the people at riskor They are in short of training,which may put the public at riskor There is a lack。
16、注册亚马逊账号的时候不小心设置了FBA 什么意思正常情况下FBA是不需要设置的,账户注册下来就有FBA的功能,只是后期你愿意针对某个产品做FBA的转换那你就转换即可。
17、at risk of poverty rate 在贫困率的风险 语法点是at作为介词使用 at指时间表示1时间的一点时刻等如They came home at sunrise at noon, at midnight, at ten o’clock, at daybreak, at dawn。