


Take a guess 噢,我们可以猜一猜答案 Well, we can hazard a guess at the answer 扩展资料 若让我猜一猜的#39话,她至少有50岁If I may hazard a guess, she#39s at least fifty你愿意猜一猜。

Guess what#39s my job?学习是一件愉快的事 *^__^*请及时采纳,多谢。


can fly, I have a beak What am I?16 It has a head, but no neck It has a body, but no warmth No feet, but can travel a thousand miles What is it 打一动物你来猜猜看,呵呵。


1two heads are better than one B三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮 2in threes and fours D三五成群 3at sixes and sevens F乱七八糟 4in one or two words H。猜一猜怎么读英语怎么说

guess的英式读法是ɡes美式读法是ɡes作动词意思是推测猜中以为作名词意思是猜测猜想相关例句1I don#39t really know, I#39m just guessing我真的不知道, 我仅仅是猜想2We could only guess。

标签: 读法 猜想 意思