慈祥用英文翻译是amiable,音标是英 #712e#618mi#601bl 美 #712emi#601b#601l amiable adj和蔼可亲的 温和的。
慈他是慈祥的用英语怎么说祥的英语为amiablekindlyamiable后面跟介词with,kindly后面跟介词to1amiable 英 #712e#618mi#601bl 美 #712emi#601b#601ladj和蔼可亲的温和的 He was short and tubby and。
慈祥的 Kind 体贴的 Considerate,宽容的 forgiving。
慈祥 adj kindly 滑稽 adj ridiculous, comic,humorous, funny n waggery,farcicality, jocularity, buffoonery, ridiculous v droll adj antic, comical,ridiculous, funny n pleasantry,clownery。
他非常的慈爱慈祥 He is very kind and loving亲,我的回答你满意吗如果我的回答对你有用的话,请采纳一下哦采纳之后你也将获得5财富值奖励。
Generous, cheerful, lively,enthusiastic,strong, serious, kind, funny, affable。
你好 kinder 译为更友好的,更亲切的,更善良的 kinder +人名 意思就是更善良的某某人人名如果是在句中的情况下kinder首字母大写 那就是表示人名欣德 因为kinder 不只有和蔼的意思。
翻译中有个术语叫做“脱壳”,即不被字对字的翻译所限制,此举可采用alternate A with B句型 译文如下 She alternates kindness with sternness此译文把“她有张会变的脸”省去,直接说“她时而慈祥,时而严厉”。
My Family There are three people in my family They are my father, my mother and me My father is a salesman My mother is an engineer I am a student My father and my mother usually go to work。
陈小姐是我们的音乐老师,她很慈祥,有时也很严厉 Miss Chen is our music teacher She is very kind and sometimes strict。
My parents are both teachers My father is strict, while my mother is nice。